[Composition] - The Cow

cow | Description & Facts | Britannica
Source: britannica


The cow is a domestic animal. It is more useful than any other animal in the world.


The cow has four legs, two eyes and two ears. It has a big head with two horns. It has a long tail with a tuft of hair. It drives flies with the tail. It has teeth in its lower jaw only. Its hoofs are divided into two parts. Its body is covered with short and soft hair. The cows are different in size and color. Some are red, some are white, some are black and some are of mixed colors

Where found: 

The cow is found everywhere all over the world. Wild cows are found in the forest.


The cow is gentle by nature. But some cows have wild nature. The cow gives birth to one calf at a time. It loves its calf very much. It drives its enemies with its horns.


The cow lives on grass. It also eats straw, green leaves, bran and oil cake. It also takes gruel and husk. It chews the cud when it takes rest.


The cow gives us milk. We drink milk. Milk is sweet and nutritious. Butter, ghee, curd, sweets etc are made from milk. The bullock draws the ploughs and carts. Cow dung is a good manure. Bags and shoes are made of its skin. Buttons and combs are made from bones and horns. Even today farmers cannot do without cows.


The cow helps us in many ways. It is our selfless friend. So we should take care of it all the time.