[Composition] - Floods in Bangladesh
Source: xinhuanet
The overflow of water causing loss to and property is called flood. Flood is a natural calamity. It occurs almost every year in our country. It also occurs in many other countries of the world. But it is the most dangerous calamity in Bangladesh.
The causes of flood are many. Heavy rainfall is main cause of it. During monsoon it rains heavily. The other causes are cyclones, tidal bores, melting of snow, deforestation etc.
Flood causes heavy damage to our life and properties. The sufferings of the people know no bounds. Houses are destroyed, cattle are washed away. crops are damaged and trees are uprooted. Hundreds of people become homeless. The people suffer for want of food, clothes, medical treatment, medicine and pure drinking water. The roads go under water. The flood of 1988 was dangerous. The flood of 1998 broke the records of the past. The affected people had to suffer greatly.
The after effects of floods are more serious. Famine spreads out. The prices of necessary things go up. Many dangerous disease like cholera, typhoid, dysentery etc. break out in an epidemic form.
Flood does some good too. It brings silt and makes the land fertile. It also carries away waste matters.
Some steps like dredging of rivers and construction of dams and embankment can be taken up.
We must control flood at any cost. It is not possible to stop flood totally but much can be done to control it. All possible steps should be taken to remove the sufferings of the effected people.