[Composition] - My Favorite Hobby

60,000+ Best Flower Garden Photos · 100% Free Download · Pexels Stock Photos
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Hobby means one's favorite occupation. It is not one's main business, It is usually done during the leisure. It gives one joy and pleasure. It is necessary to enjoy life.

Different Hobbies:

Hobbies differ from person to person. Some common hobbies are gardening, stamp collecting, reading books, watching television, kite flying. fishing and so on. 

My Hobby:

I am a student. Like others I have a hobby. It is gardening. It is my favorite hobby. Everyday I refresh my mind by working in my garden.


I have a beautiful garden in front of my reading room. Whenever I get time, I work in it. I make the soil loose with a spade and weed out the grass. I water the plants regularly. I have planted many flower plants such as rose, chameli, beli, marigold, shefali, gandharaj, bakul etc. On holidays I plant new flower plants, I have also put a fence around my garden so that nothing can harm it.

Why I like it:

I like gardening most for some reasons. I can make the best use of my leisure. This work refreshes my mind and body. With a fresh mind I can study attentively. My garden is never without flowers. Many flowers bloom in the morning. They look like stars in the sky. This beauty charms me highly In a small plot I grow some vegetables and give them to my mother. In the past I was a sick boy. Now I am a healthy boy because of working in my garden.